The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

dairy products. When the walls of the intestines are coated with layers of
sticky plaque, the nutrients the body needs to properly function and perform
to its highest potential cannot be absorbed. In addition, the sticky mucoid
plaque is a breeding ground for parasitic infestation. These destructive
parasites consume any remaining nutrients left in the GI tract.

We require certain intestinal parasites (known as intestinal flora) for
positive and beneficial breakdown of various by-products of digestion. A
great example of this is B-vitamins, which are created by intestinal flora
action upon starches. Generally your intestines are colonized by nonharmful
organisms which aid digestion and the breakdown of foodstuffs into other
nutrients. However, there are many destructive parasites that can flourish in
the intestines. This is especially true in the case of meat consumption, which
can perpetrate the formation and growth of all types of worms (pin, hook,
tape, etc.) and proteolytic (protein-splitting) microorganisms. It is important
to clean the intestinal walls and heal the inflammation at the same time that the
elimination of toxic substances is taking place.

A healthy diet will create a bowel movement approximately thirty
minutes after you eat. It is important to move your bowels two-to-three times
per day. If your bowels become sluggish, this will cause additional
fermentation and putrefaction of your foods. We absorb these toxins and gas
particles directly into our blood stream. This can cause headaches, cloudy or
foggy thinking, bloating, abdominal pain, and even heart arrhythmias. I’ve
known people to go thirty days without moving their bowels. Don’t miss
even one day!

Diarrhea is just as bad as constipation— moving your foods too quickly
through the GI tract is just as bad as holding your foods too long. Some say
diarrhea is just another form of constipation. The former creates lack of
proper breakdown of your foods, yielding poor absorption; and the latter
causes fermentation and putrefaction of your foods yielding alcohol, acidosis,
gas and inflammation. Both create starvation within the body.


Herbal Bowel Formulas

A good bowel formula (a preparation of herbs that you take on a daily basis

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