The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

for fifty years or more.

Many years ago, a chiropractor-friend of mine had a registered nurse on
his staff, who performed colonics. One of the nurse’s patients, who had gone
home when the colonic was finished, started feeling pain in her sigmoid
bowel a short while later. The patient waited several hours until she felt she
needed to determine what was causing her discomfort, and finally went to the
Emergency Room. There they discovered that she had cancer of the sigmoid
bowel. The colonic did not cause this, of course, her lifestyle did. However,
the colonic did expose the cancer. This was a good thing because the woman
then could do something about it. If she had not had the colonic the cancer
could have spread throughout her body without her knowing it, until it was
too late to achieve an effective cure.

Exposing inflammation, such as happened in this case, can be painful and
yield some discomfort. Generally, this is why I prefer to recommend a good
intestinal (bowel) herbal formula that is designed to be anti-inflammatory and
restorative, not laxative. Herbal restorative bowel formulas will slowly loosen
and remove the plaque that has impacted upon the walls. They will also
reduce the inflammation behind this plaque and heal the bowel wall. In this
way, your healing experience becomes much smoother and less traumatic.

Colonics are great for colon obstructions, as long as they’re not tumors
or adhesions. Colonics are good for the large bowel. My preference in terms
of the administering of colonics? I personally recommend Dr. Jensen’s
Colema Board® concept as the best option. I’ve seen some real success
through this process with eliminating the mucoid plaque build-up in the GI
tract. The Colema Board is designed to fit over your toilet at one end, with the
other end resting on a chair or stool. By lying on this board (while at the
same time using a five-gallon bucket of skin temperature water), you give
yourself a high enema. However, this procedure is much more relaxing than
an ordinary enema, because you just lay there and allow the water to slowly
and gently clean you out.

Dr. Jensen has created a whole bowel management program that can’t be
beat (see his book, Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, 1981).
His procedures help to clean the small bowel as well as the large bowel,
whereas professional colonics only affect the large bowel. With some self-
discipline, the Colema System can be done at home with the purchase of a
Colema Board. For information about his program, and for purchasing and
using a Colema Board, see

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