I’m not against professional colonics. To maximize the benefits, change
your diet to a 100 percent raw food program and add intestinal restoratives
for a month or so before your start your colonic regime. Three to five
colonics should be sufficient.
Enemas are another great way to help yourself out in time of need, or to assist
in colon-rectal conditions such as hemorrhoids or cancer. There are many
types of enemas that one can use to help clean and open this channel.
LOW ENEMAS — These generally clean and strengthen the descending,
sigmoid and rectal areas of the large intestine (colon). They require about
one-half to one quart of skin temperature water in an enema bag (these are
available in most pharmacies; oftentimes they are labeled as “enema/hot-water
bottle,” or “enema/douche/ hot water bottle” combination).
Any number of the following herbs can be made into tea, strained, and
used in place of plain water in the enema bag. These herbs will clean and
strengthen the colon walls: Cascara Sagrada, Marshmallow Root, Slippery
Elm Bark, Plantain Leaf, Comfrey Root, Burdock Root, Gentian, etc. See,
How To Do An Enema, instructions below.
HIGH ENEMAS — A high enema is necessary to achieve results higher up
in the colon, e.g. in the transverse, ascending and cecum portions of the large
intestines. What distinguishes the high enema from the low enema is often a
function of the way it is applied and the amount of water/mixture used, which
determines how far the water/mixture will go up into your colon. The same
herbs can be used as stated above. In cases of debility where extreme fatigue
is involved, high enemas can be given using fresh green juices like wheat
grass, spinach, kelp, alfalfa, barley, etc., instead of water or herbal tea. These
juices are readily absorbed through the colon wall and are electrifying to the
body, bringing much needed energy into the system. Chlorophyll is another
constituent that can be introduced into the colon via the enema method to
assist the healing and cleansing process.
COFFEE ENEMAS — Many people use coffee enemas as these are very
stimulating to the bowels and liver. However, I never recommend them
unless your colon is “locked” and you can’t have a bowel movement. The
continual use of coffee enemas has a whiplash effect causing extreme
enervation of the colon and inflammation of the liver and kidneys.
Coffee enemas also have a negative effect upon the nervous system