The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

reverse is also true. If a food has dominant alkaline-forming elements, then
the food is considered to be alkaline-forming.

Titration is the laboratory method used to measure acidity vs. alkalinity.
There are two stages to this process. First, the appropriate amount of food is
burned to ashes. This takes the place of digestion. Secondly, we add
approximately one liter of distilled water to 100 grams of these ashes, which
now makes a solution. The solution is then tested for its acidity or alkalinity.

Another method of determining the acidity or alkalinity of a food is its
nitrogen or proteid (chemical compounds comprising a protein structure)
content. Since nitrogen has an acidic influence, all protein-rich (nitrogen-rich)
foods are considered acid-forming. This, however, is an older method and is
not as accurate because it has been determined that vegetable matter supplies
more available nitrogen and proteid material than meats do.

The following Acid/Alkaline Food Chart is based upon a combination of
the above methods, and will help you on your journey toward alkalization.
Remember, a diet of 80 percent alkaline and 20 percent acid-forming food is
essential for greater health. A diet of 90 percent or more of alkaline-forming
foods means vibrant health.

Keep it simple. People always ask me: “What can I add to my diet?” My
response is: “What can I take away?” Believe it or not, the simpler you eat the
healthier you’ll be. This statement drives nutritional scientists nuts. That is
because the focus has been on deficiencies, leading to the use of high dosages
of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Mega-dosing like this can make some
symptoms disappear, but they will only reappear when these supplements are
stopped. This is not true regeneration or healing, but treating symptoms while
ignoring the causes. It is not the high level of nutrients consumed that is the
key. It is the power and syner-gistic action of ripe, raw, whole food. The
power of raw food to clean and rebuild the physical body is little understood
in our pharmaceutical scientific communities.

Look at the diets of most wild herbivores, e.g., elephants, horses, or
cows. They eat predominantly grass and leaves. Look at the wild silver-back
apes. Their diet is very simple as well, consisting of sweet things including
fruits, sweet tubers, berries and flowers. Seventy percent or more of the diet
of a grizzly bear is grass. These are among the strongest animals on this

I can tell you from my own personal experience that when I fasted for six
months on organic navel oranges, I never felt better and more in tune with

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