The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

The two most important food-combination tips are, first, to never mix
proteins (acid foods) with carbohydrates (alkaline foods), and second, to
separate your consumption of fruits or melons from any other type of food.
These two tips will be discussed in more detail below.

If you observe proper food combinations you will end the acid
regurgitation, ulcerations, bloating and gas commonly caused by violating
these natural rules. Keep in mind that the fewer types of foods you combine,
the better the digestion of your foods will be. If I ask you to think of ten
different things at the same time you would become confused, as the mind
can attend fully to one thing at a time. Remember this when you are planning
to eat ten different foods at one meal. Simplicity is always best. It’s not how
much you eat, but whether you can digest, absorb, utilize and eliminate what
you have eaten.

Keep your diet simple and keep your life simple. Be happy when you eat.
Never eat when you’re angry or upset, as this causes elevated stomach acids
that can neutralize your digestive efforts and create acidosis. Relax and enjoy
what you are eating. Chew your foods well, as the first stage of digestion
takes place in your mouth. Try not to drink with your meals, as this only
dilutes or neutralizes your digestive enzymes.


Do Not Combine Proteins (acid) and Carbohydrates (alkaline)

In chemistry we learn that we cannot combine acid digestive enzymes with
alkaline digestive enzymes because they will normally neutralize each other,
causing proper digestion to stop and putrefaction and fermentation to begin.

Carbohydrates begin their digestive process in the mouth with amylase,
ptyalin and other alkaline digestive enzymes. Protein-type foods, including
meat and nuts, start their digestive process in the lower stomach with the
release of HCL (hydrochloric acid), which in turn releases pepsin. These
substances are both acidic in nature.

When a predominant starch combines in the stomach with a predominant
protein, you have a clash. You know this by the bloating and the full feeling
you get after you eat a meal like this. Fermentation of sugar creates alcohol.
This alcohol can stimulate or decrease our energy levels, cause over-acidity,

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