The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
The Detox Miracle Menus

I created the following dietary program after thirty years of clinical and
personal use. I call it the “Detox Miracle Diet” because I have seen it heal and
rebuild tissue for thousands of people. I also call this “God’s Rainbow Diet”
because it consists of all colors of fruits and vegetables. Each food and its
color feeds, energizes and heals the body in its own special way. Fruits feed
the brain and nervous system, whereas vegetables feed the muscles and
skeletal system. Nuts and seeds are structural foods.

The more raw, uncooked and unprocessed food you eat, the more vital
you become. Challenge your self-discipline. Try a 100 percent raw food
program, which is to say, nothing cooked. It makes a huge difference in the
level of vitality you can achieve. One should at least consider eating 80
percent raw foods and 20 percent cooked.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you begin this process:

1. I do not recommend any kind of animal products at all, due to their huge
toxicity and acidic factors. They cause disease instead of rebuilding your
body. If you are going to eat meat, you should not eat it more than three
times a week, and only at lunch. This will allow the bulk of the digestive
process, which is acidic, to take place. Some believe that the body
doesn’t produce hydrochloric acid after 2:00 P.M. I personally have
never seen any scientific evidence to support this theory. However, light
alkaline meals in the evening will give you more energy, better sleeping,
and better healing potential.
2. Never eat meat with a starch. If you enjoy that heavy feeling, I suggest
you replace meat with a baked potato. You can use real butter, or natural
oils like olive oil, but no salts, sour cream or cheese. A baked sweet
potato would be preferable to an ordinary potato.
3. If you just want something hot, I would suggest a cup or bowl of
homemade vegetable soup (no tomatoes), steamed vegetables, or stir-fry
vegetables, along with a salad. (See our recipe section at the end of this
chapter for various soups you can make.)
4. Demand organic, vine-ripened foods that are chemical-free and
irradiation-free. We cannot allow the destruction of our foods or we will
all die. In a world where cancer is soon to be in every other person, it is
time for every individual to stand up and take charge of their own health.
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