The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

hungry. Our society recognizes eating only three times a day: breakfast, lunch
and dinner. Because of this, we tend to overeat and combine many different
types of foods at the same meal. This only serves to overwork the GI tract
and digestive organs, causing mal-digestion and malabsorption of our
nutrients. Thus, people in our culture “five” mostly on fermentation and
putrefaction by-products.

Lack of Funds? Make Food Your Medicine

Lack of funds is a common problem that most of us have experienced. My
answer to this is simple: “You must always eat.” But what you eat has
everything to do with your health. Instead of buying meats, which can be
expensive, spend that money on fruits and vegetables. Your goals and
priorities should always include your health.

Disease can be extremely expensive compared to getting healthy. A good
example of this was a young man who came to me with stomach cancer. He
had just been diagnosed at a cancer center in Tampa, Florida. The oncologists
there told him that they needed to remove two-thirds of his stomach. He also
needed some chemotherapy, and I believe radiation therapy as well. The cost
would be somewhere around $100,000 for all of this, after which he had a
twenty-five percent chance to live. They charged him $5,000 just to diagnose
him and report their findings. It took me fifty-nine days to help him cure
himself of stomach cancer, at a cost of $1800.00. So if you think natural
health is costly, think again.

Instead of buying items of desire, buy only out of necessity. Use any
funds you have left for good quality herbs or herbal formulas that will help
you achieve your health goals. Disease can leave you penniless; health will
leave you rich.


The Detox Vitality Menu

This menu is set up for a four-week transition from heavy toxic food to pure,
more alkaline food, leading to detoxification and regeneration of your
system. While this menu is designed for beginners in this process and for

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