This menu is for the serious-minded individual who truly wants to achieve
dynamic health and vitality. This menu should also be followed by those with
chronic and especially degenerative conditions or injuries, like cancer,
diabetes, MS, Parkinson’s, spinal cord injuries, or Lou Gehrig’s disease.
Try to acquire organic foods if possible. If not, wash, wash, wash your
produce! Place two capfuls of hydrogen peroxide and the juice of two fresh
lemons in about a sinkful of water. You could also add a pinch of salt. Let
your fruits or vegetables soak for about five minutes, then rinse. You may
scrub them if you wish with a vegetable brush.
Be happy when you eat, and relax. Try not to drink when you eat. Keep
your eating simple and fun.
Choose one.
1. Fruit
2. Melon
Pick any single or combination of fruits or melons that you like. Some
dried fruit or coconut may be added to the fruit meal.
Between Meal Juice
See recommended juices.
Choose one.
1. Large Salad