soluble compounds from the gastrointestinal tract, and serving as the “house”
of the immune system. It creates white blood cells and antibodies, and is truly
the battlefield of “the good vs. the bad,” where immune cells battle
pathogens, including bacteria, yeasts, viruses and other unwanted intruders.
The lymph system is also a carrier of nutrients to various parts of the body. It
serves as both the police force and part of the body’s septic system. It
becomes heavily congested with excessive mucus and lymph from dairy
products and refined and complex sugars. This causes a type of congestion
that most people are unaware of except when their sinus cavities or lung
tissues let them know it.
Urinary System
STRUCTURES — Kidneys, bladder, ureters and urethra.
FUNCTIONS — The filtration and elimination of excess H 2 O, nutrients and
metabolic wastes and by-products from the body is the job of the urinary
system. It helps regulate the sodium/ potassium balance, and works with the
acid-alkaline balance. Urine is about 95 percent waste and 5 percent dissolved
Integumentary System
STRUCTURES — Skin, nails, hair, oil and sweat glands.
FUNCTIONS — This system provides protective and outer covering for the
physical body. The skin is the body’s largest eliminative organ and aids in the
elimination of wastes and by-products from metabolism. The integumentary
system maintains body temperature.
Immune System
STRUCTURES — Lymphatic system, which includes the thymus and
spleen, bone marrow, immune cells (lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils,
macrophages, T-lymphocytes, B-cells, helper T and B cells, etc.), the liver
and parasites (toxin eaters).
FUNCTIONS — To protect the body from pathogens (foreign enemies),
antigens (foreign proteins), parasites and the like, that could harm or destroy
it. The immune system is truly the police force of the body.