The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
Promotes healing of all tissues and is said to help restore tooth enamel.
Strengthens and stimulates the immune system.
Promotes lymph movement and bowel peristalsis.
Strengthens the bones (high in calcium).

Scientific name: Juglans nigra
Parts used: Inner hull (can use the bark)
Actions: Alterative (leaves) bitter, Anthelmintic (vermifuge), astringent,
cholagogue, detergent, expectorant, hepatic, laxative, mild cathartic,
purgative, tonic (fruit).


A specific for the thyroid gland, especially when enlarged or when a
goiter exists.
Said to be a detoxifier, and especially valuable at removing heavy metals.
Bugleweed is said to offer protection against radiation.
Beneficial in irregular heartbeat and palpitations.
Improves thyroid and adrenal function.
Restores tooth enamel.
Possibly enhances neurotransmitters.
Also said to resemble digitalis in its actions.
Has a strengthening effect upon tissue.

Scientific name: Copus virginicus
Parts used: The aerial portions of the herb
Actions: Antigonadotropic, anti-inflammatory anti-thyrotropic,
astringent, cardiac tonic, diuretic (mild), narcotic (mild), and


The leaves are considered by many to be one of the top “burn healers” of
all times. This includes first, second, third and fourth degree burns.
A strong blood and liver cleanser and tonic.
Reduces swelling in the body, especially around the joints.
A great aid in detoxification.
Burdock rids the body of toxins and mucus.
Promotes urine flow and perspiration.
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