The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
Excellent for heavy metal and chemical toxicity.
Enhances nerve and heart function.
Superb for the endocrine glands.
Increases the iron-carrying capacity of the blood.
Used to fight infections.
Used in cases of jaundice and dropsy (edema).
Excellent for upper respiratory congestion and infections.
Also used in conjunctivitis and inflammation of the eyelids.

Scientific name: Petroselinum sativum
Parts used: Whole herb; leaves, root and seeds.
Actions: Antiperiodic (juice), antispasmodic, aperient, aromatic,
carminative (seeds), culinary, diuretic, emmenagogue (seeds),
febrifuge (seeds), tonic, vulnerary.

Pau D’Arco

A tremendous Brazilian “friend.” A true tonic.
Considered a top cellular proliferator (strengthens and enhances cells).
A top parasitic herb used for microorganism infestations (bacterial, viral,
and protozoa).
A great immune builder.
Used especially in cancer cases.
Has a powerful effect upon the lymphatic system.
Helps eliminate tumors, boils, abscesses, and the like.
Used in skin conditions including eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis.
Also considered a nutritive and resolvent.

ActionsScientific name: Tabebuia impetiginosa
Parts used: Bark.
Actions: Antimicrobial (bacterial, etc.), anti-viral, cellular
proliferator/strengthener), nutritive, alterative (cooling), anti-tumor,
tonic, hypotensive, anti-diabetic, astringent, bitter (digestive),
stimulant, restorative, somewhat decongestant.


A great alkalizer of the urinary tract system.
Helps clean and remove sediment from the bladder and kidneys.
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