The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
A diuretic.
Strengthens the liver, kidneys, bladder, uterus, prostate and spleen.
Useful in correcting bedwetting issues.
Useful as a douche for vaginal infections and disorders.
Soothes, strengthens and tones the mucous membranes of the
genitourinary (urinary organs, c.a. kidneys, urinary bladder) passages.
Used in urethritis, cystitis, nephritis, incontinence, and urinary tract
Used for CHF (congestive heart failure), cardiac edema.
Used for piles and hemorrhoids.

Scientific name: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Parts used: Leaves.
Actions: Antiseptic, astringent, diuretic.


Valerian has soothed a lot of nerves through the years.
A strong nervine and non-narcotic sedative.
Aids in anxiety (adrenals), nervous tension, muscle spasms, epileptic
seizures and depression (thyroid).
Said to be somewhat of a cardiac tonic— helps regulate heart
Helps in hyperactivity.
Helps reduce high blood pressure from stress and tension.
Helps strengthen brain and nerve tissues.
Aids in colic conditions, gas and indigestion from nervous stomach.

Scientific name: Valeriana officinalis
Parts used: Root, rhizome and also the herb.
Actions: Anodyne, antispasmodic, anti-thermic, aromatic, carminative,
cathartic, diaphoretic, diuretic (lithotriptic), nervine (sedative),
stimulant, tonic.

White Pond Lily

This is another one of God’s great cleansing herbs.
Similar to white oak bark, but more for lower body cleansing.
Helps remove toxicity from the tissues of the body.
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