The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1


EPITHELIAL — Covers the surface and linings of the body’s cavities or
from glands. Found in the digestive tract, lungs, blood vessels, etc.

CONNECTIVE — This type of tissue is supportive and holds all cells,
organs and glands together.

MUSCULAR — These tissues support your skeletal structure and are used
for movement of various structures, including your limbs.

NERVOUS — These tissues comprise your information highway, the
nervous system. These tissues are highly charged and allow electrical
transmissions to take place.

Disease is Not Found in Healthy Tissue

When tissues, organs, or glands fail to do their job, this sets up a domino
effect throughout your body, causing many different disease symptoms.

Vibrant health = healthy tissue

Tissue regeneration = alkalization + detoxification + nutrition + energy =
vibrant health

Remember that all your tissues are made up of individual cells, each
requiring nutrition, energy and proper elimination.

Now let’s examine the tissues called organs and glands in each body


The Cardiovascular System and Blood


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