The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
Parasite—a general formula
Parasite—for microorganisms
Lymphatic System


Pharmaceutical Antibiotics vs. Nature’s Anti-Parasitics

Throughout this book I’ve touched upon parasites (including bacteria,
funguses, and worms) and their role in nature. Now as we consider chemical
medications versus herbs, I think it’s important to understand two things.
First, there are no such “things” as diseases—there are only varying degrees
of acidosis and toxicity. Secondly, you can’t “treat” acidosis and toxicity with
more acidosis and toxicity (e.g., chemical medications). Treatment of
“disease” symptoms by chemical medications is ludicrous, toxic, damaging to
cells, and many times deadlier. In my opinion, among the many chemical
forms of treatment, antibiotics stand out as being some of the worst,
especially in the side effects they create in your body.

One of the main tenets of the allopathic medical philosophy is the “germ
theory”—perpetuated by Louis Pasteur, who believed that because
microorganisms were present in most disease processes, that they must
certainly be the “cause.” He did not consider the idea that they were only
secondary to the cause.

The naturopathic view has always considered parasites to be secondary to
the real causes of disease—toxicity and acidosis. (We have covered most of
this in Chapter 5 when we considered parasites and the causes of disease.)

Especially in the last four generations, humans have weakened their
organs and glands considerably. We have weakened our cellular structures
and functions through our lifestyle and diet, and passed these weaknesses
along to our children. With each generation, cells are becoming weaker while
the body’s inflammatory responses to toxicity are greater than ever before,
and the lymphatic highway (lymph system) has become highly obstructed.
This has greatly affected the immune response. Our ability to digest and
absorb our foods has dramatically decreased. Add all the above factors
together and you can begin to see why your cells succumb to parasites.

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