The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

you work your way up. Relax your legs, your arms, your torso and your
face. Allow yourself to relax to the point of feeling like air, where you are
like a floating feather, with no direction or desire for anything. Observe and
listen, but do this totally relaxed, as if you’re a watcher of a movie. Once
fully relaxed you may wish to purposely move your attention anywhere. (If
you hear a “pop,” and find yourself “out of your physical body,” do not be
alarmed. You’ve just had an O.B.E., out-of-body experience. Relax.)

Meditation is your time to be with yourself, without external influences
or the constant demands of the mind and emotions. Meditation will open
doors that were previously shut, and will allow true healing to take place.
Your knowingness of, and relationship with, God will expand greatly. By
opening yourself in the above manner, spirit can flow through you
unobstructed. This can bring great healing, and if you’re “listening,” you
never know what you might experience. It is far better to listen to God than to
speak to God.

Remember, just be.



If we lived in much earlier times we might have been wanderers and
gatherers, walking far and collecting foods for survival. Of necessity we
would have moved about a great deal more than we do today. Movement
plays a vital role in our health issues. Much of your blood and lymph flow,
especially in your lower extremities, moves by muscle activity. Notice when
you are inactive for a while, either sitting or lying down, you tend to become
stiff until you start moving around. The less toxic a person is, the less stiff he
or she will be after periods of inactivity.

Many great forms of exercise are available. I recommend walking,
swimming, rebounding, tai chi, stretching, yoga, passive aerobic exercise, to
name a few, as anyone in almost any condition can do these forms, in part or

Keep yourself active. If you are in a weakened state, build up slowly, but
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