The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

body experiences and I became unbalanced with respect to this world. It was
hard for me to communicate with others. (Human awareness, on earth and in
this physical realm, is very low when it comes to understanding true reality
and the ability to interact with all life.) Eventually, I balanced out my eating
habits with raw fruits and vegetables.

Try the following deep-breathing exercise to increase the oxygen content
within your body. The more you work with it the more you will develop a
better breathing pattern. Lie on your back on a couch, floor or bed. RELAX,
RELAX, and RELAX! Place your right hand on your abdomen just above
your navel. Breathe in through your nose without moving your shoulders.
Watch as your hand moves up and down with your breathing. This requires
breathing into the lower lobes of your lungs. Each time you breathe in, make
your abdomen expand, or move up (raising your hand with it), then exhale
from your mouth. Your abdomen will naturally contract as the air is released.
Your hand will move as your abdomen lowers.

After you have done this for several breaths, try increasing your intake of
oxygen by breathing first from the abdomen—that means, as if filling the
abdomen. It expands. Then fill the top lobes of your lungs by inhaling more
air in the upper thoracic cavities. This will raise your shoulders. Then, exhale

Now let’s look at this again. First fill the lower lobes of your lungs by
breathing to expand your abdomen. Keep inhaling and fill your upper lobes,
elevating your chest and shoulder areas to allow for complete filling. Once
full, exhale gently.

You can practice deep breathing in any position. Work with this until it
becomes second nature to take deeper and more filling breaths. Deep
breathing will help alkalize and increase cellular respiration as well as increase
elimination of acid gases. This is a great exercise to do before you meditate or
just as a calming technique. Open yourself to nature in every way and vitality,
youthfulness, and a sense of connection will be yours.



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