The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

In previous chapters we covered the skin and its disorders (for example, see
Chapter 5, Module 5.9). Remember that you eliminate up to two pounds of
metabolic wastes and toxins per day through your skin. It is your largest
eliminating organ. When the layers of your skin become full of acids and
toxins you develop rashes, pimples, boils, and other conditions. Skin care
should be one of your top priorities. It is important to clean the skin every
day with a bath or preferably a shower. It would be valuable to put a water
softener or reverse osmosis (R/O) system in your house, as inorganic
minerals clog and block the pores of the skin. You will notice the difference
in your skin and the softness of your hair when using pure, soft water over
hard, mineralized water.

Another great way to enhance skin health is through dry skin brushing.
This removes old and dead skin cells and promotes circulation and lymph
flow, allowing the skin to “breathe” much better. All you need is a long-
handled vegetable-fiber brush, which is generally available at your local
health food store. Do not use a nylon-bristle brush for the skin. Brush your
feet, legs and hands first. It does not matter which direction you brush in,
however brushing toward the center of your body is beneficial. Since there
are nerve endings in your hands and feet, you will experience a tingling
sensation as you stimulate your nervous system. Cleaning the skin in this
manner is of great benefit to gain vibrant, healthy skin. Over the years,
people who attended Dr. Jensen’s seminars learned what healthy skin should
look like. Even up to his death at ninety-three, Dr. Jensen’s skin was always
as soft and healthy as a baby’s.

Try to spend some time in the fresh air with as few clothes on as
possible. Let your skin breathe.



Sweating plays an essential role in daily detoxification. The skin, called the
third kidney, eliminates as much waste (by-products and toxins) as your
lungs, kidneys and bowels. The skin is your largest eliminative organ. When

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