The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

Sunlight offers us full-spectrum color healing, and each individual ray of
color presents a unique energy for healing the body. Each color has its own
special effect upon tissue. Added together, all these individual color rays
provide a powerful healing energy that flows through all the cells of the
body, uplifting, healing and giving succor to each cell.

Remember to maintain balance in using the sun, however. The sun is
acidic in nature, and too much is just as bad as not enough. Most people are
far too acidic as it is. This is why many do not like the sun, or burn too easily.
The more alkaline you become, the more you will enjoy the sun and its
healing power. Enjoy God and nature; bathe in its energies; they’re all around
and flowing through us.

There are many great books on color healing (see the Bibliography for a
few suggestions), and we will deal with more about this subject later in this
chapter where you will learn about the different colors and their individual
powers to heal. It’s fun to study about color, and the observation of colors in
one’s daily life brings more awareness about the colors in your dreams. The
heavens have more colors than one can even imagine. Open yourself to the
higher energies of God. It’s an exciting trip.



Acid crystals (uric, phosphoric, carbonic, lactic, etc.) and cellular wastes build
up under the nerve endings in your feet. Since these nerve endings reflex all
through your body, these acids and toxins can have a devastating effect in
related areas. The nerve that feeds the heart, for example, ends in your hands
and feet. If acid crystals or a toxic build-up affect the ending of this nerve, it
can lead to heart palpitations, high blood pressure (when standing or
walking), chest pain, etc. This is true with all your organs and glands as the
nerves that feed them also end in your hands and feet. Rubbing the bottoms
of your feet and the palms of your hands on a daily basis will break-up these
crystals and toxic accumulations, relieving the symptoms.

Reflexology is an incredible science. I have saved three individuals in
cardiac arrest with the techniques of reflexology. This is another simple

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