The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

cell. It dissolves the wastes of cell life so the toxins can be removed. Distilled
water is also great at dissolving inorganic mineral substances lodged in the
tissues of the body so that such substances can be eliminated in the process of
purifying the body. It does not leach out body minerals. There have been
many blood tests conducted during distilled water fasts showing improved
and more homeostatic electrolyte percentages. Distilled water does collect and
remove minerals that have been rejected by the cells of the body and are
therefore nothing more than debris, obstructing normal functioning of the

It is important to keep ourselves hydrated. We should receive the
majority of our water from raw and ripe fruits and vegetables. In their raw
state, these foods are composed of 60 to 95 percent water. In addition, one
should drink a minimum of two 8-ounce glasses of distilled water daily.

Always brew your herbal teas with distilled water. Being void, distilled
water pulls the nutrients from the herbs into the water. Water that is full of
inorganic minerals and other matter cannot leach all the compounds of the
herb into it, which causes a much weaker tea.

If you cannot get distilled water, I recommend R/O (reverse osmosis)
water. You can put an R/O filter under your sink, which makes it very
convenient to use. Remember that water is one of nature’s greatest catalysts.
Drink plenty of fresh, pure, distilled or R/O water, but don’t overdo it.
Follow your natural instincts. Many people try to drown themselves with too
much water. Remember, a raw food diet gives you plenty.

NOTE: Never drink with your meals. This dilutes your digestive enzymes
and affects proper food digestion.



Castor oil, also known as Palma Christi (the Palm of Christ), has been used
for healing for hundreds of years, and is a treatment that medical intuitive
Edgar Cayce often prescribed for many different conditions. Preliminary
studies on castor oil packs performed at the George Washington School of

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