The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1


Health and Spirituality


e are much more than our physical bodies. We have different “bodies,” many
levels to ourselves, that few people understand. However, the unity and
simplicity of life is seen when one appreciates the meaning of consciousness
or awareness.

At your core, you are pure awareness, without thought or emotion. This
is the “true you” that always abides no matter what your experience is in the
outer world. You cannot hide from your true self—this awareness—which is
always observing what your mind and emotions create. This “you” is the
observer of the observed. Even though many people use drugs or alcohol in
an attempt to hide from themselves, this is impossible. Your awareness is the
one thing that you cannot kill or get rid of. It does not die. It is the part of
you that can expand without limit.

Contrary to popular belief, one does not need to think to exist. You
become awareness itself when you stop thinking, planning and desiring.
Presently, however, you are chained to your thoughts, feelings and desires by
the attention you give these energies. This wasn’t always the case. Remember
when you were a child? Time as we know it did not exist for you. You
simply played until suddenly your mother called you in for dinner.

Consciousness or awareness is the life force that experiences and radiates
in everything. True health is a result of wholeness, wherein the body, mind,
and emotions are kept in harmony with this soul awareness and with God.
The toxic conditions we experience are essentially self-created. Since we
create them by our lifestyles, including our diets and our thoughts, we can
turn them around. We can renew and revitalize body and mind.

The Physical Body

Although the physical body is necessary for you to experience and enjoy the
journey in this physical world, who you are is not limited to your body. The
physical body is a vehicle, like your car, that carries you around and takes
you wherever you wish. It is a self-regulating machine. Its basic need is only

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