The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

Now let’s stop and think for a minute. If our physical body is only made
up of matter, where do we get our awareness from? And where do thoughts
and emotions come from? It becomes much easier to understand these
questions if you have had an out-of-body experience. Many people today
have come to know that they are not limited to the body, based on having a
near-death experience for one reason or another. Many practice “out-of-
body” travel on a daily basis. I spent years working in emergency medicine,
and I was honored to have been close to those who had such experiences, as
well as those who passed into the next adventure. I also spent many years
experimenting as a traveler “out of body,” learning and experiencing the
many levels or heavens that exist. (Remember that Jesus said, “In my Father’s
house, there are many mansions.”) We only use the physical body, however,
giving it life with our consciousness ... our awareness. When it is time for us
to leave our bodies, we will simply withdraw our attention from them and
move on.

Through an expanded awareness comes the God-realization that we are
all one. Once you have experienced this level of awareness and
understanding, you will find absolute love, and you will discover that you are
God’s expression. The healthier you are in all your bodies, the greater and
happier your life is, and the more love and God you will experience as an
active part of every moment of your life.

Our awareness, our consciousness, comes from our union with God, our
inseparability from the One. I think most people who believe in God will
agree that God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. This means that
God is infinite. There is no place in which God is not. God has no
boundaries, and thus cannot be a limited being in any way. Therefore, God
cannot have form or substance, as we know it, or God would be limited. God
cannot be limited to a body, or to emotions, or even to thoughts, as all of
these are limiting and based upon conditioning and experiences, not truth.

The Emotional Body

The existence of your emotional body, called by many the “astral body,” has
been well documented by many travelers. This astral or emotional body is a
distinct body from your physical body, but looks very much like it. This is
the body of feelings and emotions. This body drives thought and gives
motivation to the physical body. Without desire, your ability to create in the

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