The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

physical world would not exist.

Your emotions or your emotional body are not you; they are only used
by you to further experience creation. However, the health of your physical
body can be greatly affected by your emotional body. Anger, hate and rage
will destroy your liver. Jealousy, anxiety and negative emotions will affect
kidneys and adrenals. Fear, gossip and ego will shut down the heart. You can
see how important it is to gain control of this body that you use to express

The Mental Body

This consideration of the emotional body leads us to the mind, or mental
body. God created this mental body to actually form creation. This body or
level is where thought manifests. This is where true duality exists. This is
where male/female, up/down, black/white, small/large, etc., is created. To
experience anything you must first think about it. You must have an image or
create an image out of what you already know or have experienced in the
past. Then, with this data you create your future. Thought is totally limited to
past experiences or conditioned responses. The best example I can give you is
that the mind is like a computer; it can only function as it has been

Your emotional body and physical body only respond to thought.
Thought is the creator and the emotions are the driving force or manifester,
so to speak, of these images. All thoughts and emotions are like your physical
body—they go through birth, life and death. The mind is just another “body”
that you use to experience and “create experience” with.

The Ego

The ego is the “body of separation.” It says, “I am separate and different from
the rest.” This is the first body that you as soul must use to begin your
journey into creation. This is the first separation that you have from God, and
the last you must drop to be free again from creation. When you go beyond
your ego, which is a limited and limiting “little” self, you can then experience
the truth of the real you, the unlimited you, again. You will find that you

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