The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

have “always been there” or “here” all along. What hides your true self is
your bodies and their functions. All this is necessary in the scheme of things
so that God and you can experience endlessly. God being omnipotent,
omniscient and omnipresent needs this separation in order to experience.

All Together

The reason I have concluded with this chapter in The Detox Miracle
Sourcebook is to help you connect to your true self and to give you some
understanding of why we use the terminology “body, emotions, mind and
soul.” All of your bodies must become healthy if you wish to have longevity
and true vitality. Each of the “bodies” you use affects all the others. They fit
and interact so closely that you and most scientists are fooled into thinking
they are one body. They are not. They exist to give color, aroma, form and
texture to creation. Each of these bodies you use is created from the atoms of
its respective dimension of heaven. Each of these bodies creates an electrical
reaction in the physical body, which is their mechanism of response. One
must look beyond the veil of the physical, emotional and mental worlds
(bodies) if one wishes to experience and know truth.

The Bottom Line

Break free of the chains that bind you to this world. “Become like little
children,” free to enjoy the present moment. The present moment is eternal,
and pure awareness (which is what you are) only lives in the present moment.
Remember, it is thought that is based in time. Past and future are only
concepts of the mind, as memory and desire weave your future.

Use the natural laws of God to create a vibrant state of health. Look to
the power and expansion of the infinite, not the limitation and confinement of
the finite. Realize that you are God’s expression and that what you
experience, God experiences. Why else would God create?

See every moment as a spiritual experience. Feel and see the divine in all
things. The future is unimportant; it doesn’t matter what changes the earth
will make to cleanse itself. What is important is you and your survival. One
day it will be time for you to leave your body, so spend time alone with

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