The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

yourself and get to know who you truly are.

Years ago, a very old master told me “that alone exists.” Everything is
born alone, lives separate from everything else, and passes (dies) alone. Get
to know who you are in this alone state. Most people cannot live without a
TV or radio. They fear this aloneness. At the physical and emotional levels,
souls have become code-pendent because of this fear and this longing for
God. Use prayer, meditation or contemplation; not to petition God, but to
listen to and experience God. God is omnipresent; there is no place God is
not. If you are constantly talking, thinking or desiring, how will you
experience or be able to recognize this eternal presence of God?

When It’s Your Time to Move On

In extreme cases, and in some advanced cancer cases, failure to get well may
indicate that it is a person’s turn to leave this planet. Our physical, emotional,
and mental bodies are only our vehicles while we’re on a journey in this
creation. They can’t and won’t last forever.

One should never fear God or the journey that one takes. “You” can never
die—only your bodies die. You, as soul, live forever. This physical world is
one of the hardest of God’s worlds to function and live in. If it is your time, it
can be experienced as a blessing and a great joy to move on to the next
world. When I have journeyed out of my physical body I have found nothing
but joy, awareness, ecstasy and pure love.

Always fill yourself full of love and God. If everyone did this at all times,
this world would be a much different place. Live in every moment for the
moment and forget the past. Live in the “Now” and the future never comes.
Learn to enjoy every moment, regardless of what medical condition you have
or how chronic and hopeless it seems. Make your life what you want it to be.
If you want your body to be healthy, then so be it – make it healthy. It is up
to you, and you alone, to make it healthy. You choose.

Open the doors of exploration and allow yourself to grow and expand.
This will remove the stress out of all your bodies and will allow healing to
take place. True healing is integrated; treatment is specific, separate. Healing
is expansive; treatment is constricted or limited. See everything and everyone
as God’s expression and give divine love to all. When you experience the
beauty of total love and God, then true vitality will be yours. Keep your heart
opened at all times.

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