The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

Location: crown of head, pituitary gland

Color: purple/violet

Eighth Center

Dimension: soul itself

Color: yellow/white

The above main centers are expressed through your physical body and
are called chakras (pronounced: sha’-crahhz).

When one has physical, emotional or mental disease, these centers will
begin to shut down respectively. These energies emanate from and through
your physical body. Your aura, or the electromagnetic energies emanating
from you, can be read and analyzed to determine weaknesses or strengths.

In the aura, white or yellow are the colors of Consciousness. The main
creative and sustaining energies of Earth, divided into five basic influences or
elements, are seen in the aura in the following colors:

Air element = violet
Fire element = red
Ether element = blue
Water element = orange
Ground element = green
The following are examples of colors and the specific tissues that they

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