The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

these most precious gifts. Without these “balancing” gifts of royal beauty, life
on this planet would truly be dull.

Have you noticed the multitude of aromas found in the flower kingdom?
Each aroma affects your physical, emotional, mental and soul bodies in an
uplifting and healing way. Each flower is designed, like each herb, to
enhance and expand the consciousness of your cells, your emotions, and
your thoughts. Edward Bach was the modern day founder of a healing
modality that uses flowers to enhance each facet of your life. Kathren
Woodlyn Bateman has created a fantastic selection of flower essences
(Flower Essences of Running Fox Farms™ in Worthington, Massachusetts).
I have used these formulas to balance the emotional trauma that people have
experienced in hospital Emergency Rooms, in the Oklahoma City bombing,
and in mental health clinics. I have seen these subtle energies work with
amazingly positive results.

In physics you learn that all things exist as energy fluctuating between
two poles. These energies can be disruptive to the emotional and mental parts
of ourselves, or they can be harmonious, yielding balance and upliftment.
This is important to know because what you think and what you feel affects
your health as much as what you eat.

Many flower essence formulas have been created. They are similar to
herbal formulas in that the quality of the formula depends upon the quality of
the flower and the ability of the practitioner who made it. Of all the formulas
created, “Emergency Relief” by Bach Flower Essences is the most famous.
Many companies have copied this one to some extent. “Emergency Relief”
can be used in almost any traumatic experience, especially when shock is
involved. “Moonshine Yarrow” (by Fox Mountain) is another great formula
for shock, anxiety attacks, and especially for depression.

Most men typically do not think or dream in color. One night I was
meditating on this subject and had a vivid out-of-body experience in a heaven
that was crystalline, where all the trees and plants flashed an endless variety
of colors and hues. This experience changed the way I looked at, and dreamt
about, life. Flower therapy is very much a part of color therapy and
aromatherapy. We just need more of it.

Flowers can also be eaten for their nutritional and energetic values.
Nasturtiums, daisies, and dandelion flowers are just some of these edible
beauties. Enjoy the “Power of the Flower.” You will be surprised as God’s
rainbow foods enhance, calm, expand and revitalize you. Add plenty of

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