The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

and sugars, not to mention their electromagnetic energies. Study and
experiment with botanicals. Without them, humans will not survive the many
damaging effects they have created on this planet.


Homeopathy is a treatment-based system using remedies from animal parts,
plants, and minerals. The strengths and dosages of these formulas are very
mild. Homeopathy is founded on a philosophy of “like treats like.” If you
had a case of poison ivy, for example, the treatment would be to consume
poison ivy internally in minute amounts. This modality works more with
building immune response than actual tissue healing. Homeopathic remedies
are based upon the essence of their constituents rather than potency, realizing
that electromagnetic energy, not the potency, is the key. Homeopathy is not a
deep detoxification and regenerating modality, but gets tremendous results in
relieving symptoms.


Hydrotherapy, or water therapy, has been used for thousands of years. In
modern times we credit the late Sebastian Kneipp, a Catholic priest in
Bavaria, with refining and publicizing hydrotherapy to the world.

Water can be used to stimulate both blood and lymphatic circulation.
Water also is a transporter of elements and toxins to and from the cells via the
GI tract or skin. We know the benefit of heat, as it dilates and increases
circulation. The body uses this method internally by diaphoresis (sweating
and fevers) and histamine response, to increase blood and lymph flow. As we
increase circulation to the tissues, we increase nutrition, oxygen, immune and
electrolyte (alkalization) response. These are all important to tissue
circulation. On the opposite side, cold is a constrictor and can block energy
circulation to tissue. Adding both of these aspects of stimulation together,
water therapy using a hot application followed by a cold application can get
tremendous response in disease situations.

One could consider the consumption of water as a form of hydrotherapy.
The average person does not consume nearly enough of it as a beverage or

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