The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

The golden hands of a good massage therapist are truly magical as they
reshape and restore the tissues of your body. There are so many forms of
massage—from light stimulation and relaxing massage, to deep tissue and
sacral cranial massage. Massage work is an important field in many ways,
from assisting the body to heal itself from injuries, to promoting lymphatic
drainage and detoxification. The body stores toxins in muscles, sparing as
long as possible the major organs. But, in storing these toxins the body
becomes stiff and sore, driving us to exercise to stimulate lymph flow. When
we have the inability to exercise or we become too toxic, massage is
extremely vital.

Foot Reflexology, noted under Healthy Habits in Chapter 9, is a special
form of massage and a most valuable tool. I have saved several people from
cardiac arrest with my thumb and their left foot. The power of stimulating the
nervous system and lymphatic system by pressure to points on the hands and
feet cannot be underestimated. Toxicity and acid crystals build up under the
nerve endings in the hands and feet. This toxicity can cause a multitude of
symptoms from high blood pressure to gallbladder weakness.


Naprapathy encompasses Dr. Randolph Stone’s Polarity Therapy combined
with manipulation. “Polarity” refers to a type of energy balancing.
Naprapathy is a combination of chiropractics (structural realigning),
kinesiology, polarity therapy and nutrition. Its goal is to remove energy
obstructions by manipulating the muscles and skeletal system. My old friend
Dr. Rudy Splavic was taught by Dr. Stone, and was a naprapath for fifty
years. When he was age eighty-six I saw him work miracles on people,
completely changing their posture and structure after thirty years of
deformity. He could tell you the year of your injury or when the disease
began; and could feel a hair under seven sheets of paper. However, some
modern naprapaths swing toward conventional medicine.

Always seek to know your practitioner. It is important to keep your
body, and its injuries, in balance. It is equally important to learn why they get
out of balance.

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