The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1


The name “naturopathy” was coined by Benedict Lust, but can be traced back
to Hippocrates and before. The science of naturopathy is based upon a 100
percent natural, organic system of detoxification and nutrition, which leads to
tissue regeneration. This establishes true vitality and longevity.

A naturopath will use only nature and nature’s remedies to accomplish
this. Naturopathy is one of the greatest sciences on the planet. It encompasses
chemistry, physics, hydrotherapy, vibrational therapy, color therapy,
phytotherapy (herbs), massage therapy, thermotherapy, electrotherapy,
bioelectromagnetic therapy, emotional therapy, reflexology, raw food
therapy, fasting therapy, proper food-combining, and the like. Detoxification
and alkalization is at the core of naturopathy.

Naturopathy is based upon the premise that disease is a natural process.
When your body is acidic and full of such things as mucus, pus, parasites,
chemicals, preservatives, antibiotics, pesticides, and carbon by-products, you
can’t expect to be healthy.

Naturopathy is truly holistic—it covers body, emotions, mind and soul.
Since we are highly integrated beings, disease can and is experienced on
many levels, mostly unknown to the patient. Naturopathy opens all of these
doors and allows the individual to reconnect to life spiritually. I consider
naturopathy to be the highest healing modality on this planet. Naturopathy is
concerned with causes not effects.

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a system or modality similar to naturopathy.
However, it is more treatment-minded than naturopathy. Naturopathic
physicians use orthomolecular science (vitamins and minerals), tissue salts,
glandular supplements and other separated constituents to treat symptoms in
an effort to correct the cause of the problem. Naturopathic medicine uses
some detoxification principles and stresses diets consisting mainly of fresh
fruit, vegetables and grains.


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