The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

This is a large category and could include Therapeutic Touch™, magnet
therapy, crystal therapy (gem stone therapy), radionics, qi gong (Chinese
energy healing), spiritual healing, psychic healing, feng shui, biofeedback,
and the like. Even though each of the above modalities is uniquely different,
they all use “spirit” in one way or another to affect tissues, increasing
circulation and elimination. These therapies change the vibrational energy of
cells, thus improving cellular respiration and vitality. Our magnetic energies
become out of balance by toxicity, acidic foods, negative thoughts, negative
derogatory emotions and unhappiness.

Vibrational therapies move stagnant or restricted energies and allow this
energy to circulate through cells and tissues better. This reduces or eliminates
pain, increases overall circulation, and stimulates elimination. This increases
tissue function and repair.

We are only at the first stage of new discoveries in this area. Vibrational
therapies will dominate the future, in one form or another.


Allopathic medicine, in my opinion, should be limited to emergency
medicine, diagnostic procedures and surgeries. Emergency medicine has
saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and many surgeries are essential to life,
as humans have literally destroyed their health and the tissues in their bodies.

I spent many years involved in emergency medicine, and especially
enjoyed anything that dealt with the heart. However, there are a lot of hospital
Emergency Rooms that could learn about nature and how to apply more non-
invasive techniques that could save even more lives and increase the quality
of life for many, many more. There are far too many tissue-damaging
techniques used in Emergency Rooms today, including chest compressions,
which crack or break the sternum.

Many surgeries are unnecessary, however. They often cause the patient
great distress, and in many cases, a dismal future. Open-heart surgery, for
example, can mostly be avoided. Nature can clean out the vascular system in
short order if the patient is willing to change his/her lifestyle. In fact, eighty to
ninety percent of all dis-eases can be cured without chemical medicine or
invasive procedures. Naturopaths are non-invasive and seek a cure for the
cause of the problem.

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