The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1


stimulating hormone produced in the anterior portion of the pituitary gland.
This hormone (TSH) activates or stimulates the thyroid gland to produce and
release thyroxine (T4s). When the thyroid is weak (hypothyroidism) or the
pituitary is hyperactive, TSH levels will be elevated. This is in response to the
need for more thyroid hormone, thyroxine, which is vital to metabolism and
heart function. Low levels of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4)
stimulate TRH and TSH release.

TSH study is also used to determine primary hypothyroidism (from the
thyroid itself), or secondary hypothyroidism (hypothalamic caused).

Remember that all things work together in creation to form one God.
This is true also of your body and its glands. Specific glandular function can
be a result of the gland itself being toxic and weak, or due to other related
glands that are affecting it. Because all things are interwoven and interlocked,
conventional “treatment” never works.

NOTE: In thirty years of clinical observation, it is my opinion that blood T3,
T4 and TSH levels are the least accurate of thyroid tests. This is why the
Basal Temperature Test was created. (See Appendix A.) I have seen a
tremendous number (80 percent) of hypothyroid cases missed by the medical
profession because they treated the blood test, not their patient.



Using blood analysis to determine body conditions and diagnose tissue
weaknesses is one of the least accurate of the diagnostic tools available today.
However, when combined with tissue analysis, Iridology, physical
symptomology, reflexology, and kinesiology, it can provide as close a total
picture as you can get of the internal condition of your body.

With blood analysis alone one can only hypothesize what might be going
on in the body, and this of course greatly depends upon the interpreter. A
blood type analysis does not accurately reflect electrolyte imbalances,
hormone levels, glucose fructose utilization, and the true nature of the

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