The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1


ABCs a localized collection of pus and liquefied tissue in a cavity.

Abortifacients cause induced abortion (premature expulsion of the fetus).

Absorbents herbs used to produce absorption of exudates (accumulated
fluids) or diseased tissues. (Black Elm, Mullein, Slippery Elm, etc.)

Absorption nutritionally, the process by which nutrients are absorbed
through the intestinal tract into the bloodstream to be used by the body. If
nutrients are not properly absorbed, nutritional deficiencies (malabsorption)
will result. This can affect the body’s fuels and building materials as well,
leading to enervation, starvation and deterioration.

Abstergents detergents.

Acetylcholine an ester of choline occurring in various organs and tissues of
the body. It is thought to play an important role in transmission of nerve
impulses at synapses and myoneural junctions.

Acidophilus lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria, also called “friendly colonic
flora,” is used to replace destroyed bacteria. Should be used by milk drinkers

Acidosis excessive acidity of body fluids, due to an accumulation of acids (as
in diabetic acidosis or renal disease) or an excessive loss of bicarbonate (as in
renal disease). The hydrogen ion concentration is increased, and thus the pH
is decreased. Acidosis leads to an immune response called inflammation.

Acids a class of compounds that have low pH, usually sour to the taste, and
in their pure form, are often corrosive (citric acid, benzoic acid, formic acid,
uric acid, phosphoric acid, carbonic acid, etc.). They can be either organic or
inorganic compounds. Acids can irritate and inflame the tissues of the body.
They also can become free radicals. Acids found in plant tissues (especially
fruits), however, tend to prevent the secretion of fluids and shrink tissues. A
buildup of acids leads to acidosis.

Acute having a rapid onset, severe symptoms, and a short course (not
chronic). Pain occurs in acute and regenerative conditions. “Acute” is actually
the beginning stages of disease.

Adaptogen a substance with qualities that increase resistance and resilience to

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