The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

body functions (Echinacea, Goldenseal, Sanicle, Yellow Dock, among other

Amenorrhea absence or suppression of menstruation.

Amino Acids a group of nitrogen-containing chemical compounds that form
the basic structural units of proteins.

Anabolic 1. the building up of body tissues. The utilization or constructive
phase of metabolism; 2. the conversion and utilization of nutrients to repair,
rebuild or to build and maintain cells, tissues, organs and glands; 3. Energy is
used and needed during this phase or process.

Anaerobic 1. requiring no oxygen to function; 2. living without oxygen.

Analeptics used for restorative purposes or for food.

Analgesic relieves pain when taken orally.

Anaphrodisiacs herbs used to lessen sexual functions and desires (Black
Willow, Garden Sage, Oregon Grape, Scullcap, others).

Androgens steroid hormones, such as testosterone or androsterone, that
control the development and maintenance of male characteristics. Also called
androgenic hormone. Anesthetics herbs to produce anesthesia, or

Anhydrotic stops sweating (Agrimony, Buchu, Butcher’s Broom, others).

Anionic 1. a magnetic condition created by negative ions or an acidic
environment that creates coagulation. 2. to solidify, bond; similar to anabolic;

  1. in reference to acidosis.

Anodyne relieves pain when applied externally.

Antacids herbs used to neutralize acid in the stomach and intestinal tract
(Angelica, Fennel, Peppermint, Slippery Elm, others).

Anterior before, or in front of.

Anthelmintics helps destroy and dispel parasites (including vermicides and
vermifuges) (Bistort, Wormwood, Black Walnut).

Anthraquinones purgative in action. They appear as glycosides (linked with
a sugar). Their action stimulates peristalsis; said to be utilized as natural dyes,
flavones, and flavonoids. Antiabortives herbs used to counteract abortive
tendencies (Cramp Bark, False Unicorn, Red Raspberry).

Antiarthritics herbs used to relieve and heal arthritic conditions and gout

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