The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

tissue and cells. A group of substances called proanthocyanidins (grape seed
and maritime pine bark), as well as vitamins A, C, E and beta carotene, are all

Antiparasitical destructive to parasites (Black Walnut Hulls, Pumpkin Seeds,
Usnea Lichen).

Antiperiodic relieves malarial-type fevers and chills; prevents regular
recurrences (Celandine, Angelica, Goldenseal).

Antiphlogistic relieves inflammation (Chaparral, Chickweed, Comfrey).

Antipyretic reduces fever.

Antirheumatics herbs used to prevent, relieve and cure rheumatism
(Angelica, Black Willow, Blue Cohosh, Butcher’s Broom).

Antiscorbutic helps prevent or correct scurvy (c.a. vitamin C) (Sarsaparilla,
Cleavers, Sheep Sorrel).

Antiscrofulous herbs used to heal scrofula (tubercular condition of the
lymph nodes) (Agrimony, Blue Flag, Dandelion, Elder Flowers, Red Clover).

Antiseptics helps prevent the growth of microbes and cripples their activity
while in contact with them. Helps oppose sepsis. (Buchu, Burdock Leaves,
Chamomile, Cayenne, Echinacea).

Antispasmodic relieves spasms of voluntary and involuntary muscles and
relieves nervous irritability. (Wild Lettuce, Lobelia, Scullcap.)

Antisyphilitics herbs used to relieve and cure syphilis or other venereal
diseases (Goldenseal, Juniper Berry, Kava Kava, Oregon Grape).

Antithrombotic prevents blood clots.

Antitoxic neutralizes a poison from the system (Alfalfa, Chlorophyll).

Antitussive prevents or relieves coughing.

Antivenomous herbs used as antidotes to animal, vegetable and mineral
poisons (Plantain, American Pennyroyal, Chaparral).

Antiviral inhibits a virus (Pau D’Arco, Echinacea, Black Walnut Hull).

Antizymotics herbs used to destroy or arrest the action of bacterial (disease-
producing) organisms (Black Walnut Hulls/Leaves, Cloves, Garlic, Mullein).

Anxiolytic an anti-anxiety agent.

Aperient a mild or gentle laxative (Buckthorn, Cascara Sagrada, Mountain

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