The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

Aperitive a substance that stimulates the appetite.

Aphrodisiacs herbs used to correct conditions of impotence and strengthen
sexual power and desire (Damiana, False Unicorn, Saw Palmetto, Yohimbe).

Arachidonic Acid an essential fatty acid formed from unsaturated acids of
plants, and present in peanuts. It is a precursor of prostaglandins.

Aromatics strong fragrance. Helps stimulate the gastrointestinal mucous
membrane aiding in digestion and the expelling of gas from the stomach and
bowels. (Anise, Fennel, Peppermint).

Ascaris roundworm (also called maw-worm and eelworm) found in the small
intestine causing colicky pains and diarrhea, especially in children.

Ascites excessive accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity.

Asthenia lack or loss of strength, usually involving muscular system.

Astringent firms tissues and organs; reduces discharges and secretions. Acts
upon the albumen. Affects the cleansing and detoxification of tissues.
(Agrimony, Bugleweed, Horsetail, White Oak Bark, Witch Hazel).

Atonic without normal tension or tone.

Atrophy a wasting; a decrease in size of an organ or tissue; the degeneration
of cells, tissues, glands, etc.

Autoimmune a process in which antibodies develop against the body’s own
tissues. This process is a natural response to body cells that are dying. This
creates an immune response for elimination of that cell so the body can
replace it.

Autonomic independent and spontaneous.

Autonomic Nervous System the part of the nervous system that controls
involuntary bodily functions. It regulates the function of glands, especially
the salivary, gastric, and sweat glands, and the adrenal medulla, smooth
muscle tissue, and the heart. The autonomic nervous system may act on these
tissues to reduce or slow activity or to initiate their function.

Ayurvedic a traditional system of medicine in India; literally means “a
science of life.” Eastern Indian herbology.

Bactericide destroys bacteria.

Balsamic herbs that mitigate, soothe and heal inflamed parts (Avocado
Leaves, Balm of Gilead, Spikenard).

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