The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

force, power and strength of the heart muscle without increased oxygen

Cardiac Stimulants herbs used to increase and give greater power to the
heart’s action (Bugle-weed, Cayenne, Pipsissewa).

Cardiovascular relating to the heart and blood vessels.

Carminative relieves intestinal gas, pain and distention; promotes peristalsis
(Pennyroyal, Lovage, Myrrh).

Catabolic 1. the breaking down or destructive phase of metabolism; 2.
includes digestive and all the processes used to break down complex
substances into simple, usable ones; 3. Energy is generally released during
this process. (For example: glucose is catabolized to water, carbon dioxide,
and energy.)

Cataplasm another name for a poultice.

Catarrh a mucus discharge from the mucous membranes as a result of
inflammation, acids, or irritants (foreign proteins). This has special reference
to the air passages of the head and throat. (For example: hayfever, rhinitis,
influenza, bronchitis, pharyngitis, asthma). Milk and refined sugars create an
over-production of mucus discharge, congesting various body tissues.

Cathartic strong laxative which causes rapid evacuation of bowels (Black
Hellebore, Culvers Root, Senna Leaves).

Cationic 1. state of flux and breakdown whereby nutrients and elements are
dispersed systemically; similar to catabolic; 3. in reference to alkalization.

Caustics herbs that burn or destroy living tissue (Celandine Juice, Cashew
Juice, Yellow Anemone Herb).

Cell Proliferants herbs that promote rapid healing and regeneration of the
body (cells). (Aloe Vera, Comfrey, Elecampane, Saw Palmetto).

Cephalics herbs that are particularly healing to cerebral conditions and
diseases (Red Sage, Rosemary, Rue, Stinging Nettle, Juniper Berry).

Chlorophyll the “green” pigment in plants; used in nutrition to absorb toxins
and as a vulnerary; it can be taken as a supplement, as a source of magnesium
and trace elements. It has strong detoxifying properties; pulls mucus and
heavy metals out of the body.

Cholagogue promotes flow and discharge of bile from liver into intestines
(Beets, Fringetree, Mandrake).

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