The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

organic and inorganic. 2. made up of more than one part.

Compress a pad of linen applied under pressure to an area of skin and held
in place.

Complete Protein a source of dietary protein that contains a full complement
of the eight essential amino acids. Based upon flesh as the end result of a
vegetable diet.

Complex Carbohydrate 1. a carbohydrate that contains several bonded
natural sugars (glucose and fructose). These are exceedingly difficult for the
body to break down. Excessive consumption leads to acidosis through the
creation of excessive carbonic acid, which is a by-product of sugar
breakdown. 2. The carbohydrates in starches and fiber are complex
carbohydrates; also called polysaccharides. 3. requires adrenal steriods to

Condiments herbs used to season or flavor foods (Coriander, Parsley, Sweet
Basil, Sage, Rosemary).

Congestion 1. the presence of an excessive amount of blood or tissue fluid in
an organ or in tissue. 2. In natural health, congestion refers to the
accumulation of mucus, acids, toxins, chemicals, heavy metals, parasites, and
the like. Leads to nodal swelling, masses, and tumor formation.

Connective Tissue the type of tissue that performs the function of providing
support, structure, and cellular cement to the body.

Constringents astringents.

Convalescence the period of recovery (or immobility) after the termination
of a disease or an operation.

Convulsants cause convulsions.

CO.P.D. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Cordials herbs that combine the properties of a warm stomach and a cardiac
stimulant (Angostura, Borage, Gentian).

Correctives (corrigents) herbs used to lessen and/or alter the severity of
action of other herbs, especially cathartics or purgatives. Some correctives
include: American Pennyroyal, Bay Leaves, and Cascara Sagrada.

Corticosteroid Hormones a group of hormones produced by the adrenal
glands that control the body’s use of nutrients and the excretion of salts and
water in the urine. Used for inflammatory processes by the body.

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