The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

Dental Anodynes herbs used locally to relieve pain from an exposed nerve
filament in the tooth (toothache) (Broom, Cajuput, Ginger, Oil of Cloves).

Deobstruents help remove obstructions from the body (Barberry, Butcher’s
Broom, Plantain).

Deodorants herbs that eliminate foul odors (Blackberry, Chlorophyll,

Depressants sedatives.

Depresso-Motors herbs that diminish muscular movement by action on the
spinal centers (also see: Nervine and Antispasmodic) (Gum Wood, Lobelia,
Poke Root).

Depuratives cleanses or purifies blood by promoting eliminative functions
(Blessed Thistle, Blue Flag, Dandelion).

Dermatomycoses skin infection caused by fungi.

Desiccants herbs that are able to dry surfaces by absorbing moisture (Agar
Agar, Bladderwrack Powder, Corn Starch, Marshmallow, Slippery Elm

Detergent cleansing to wounds, ulcers or skin itself (Amaranth plant, Bitter
Root, Poke Root).

Detoxicant removes toxins.

Detoxification the process of cleansing and alkalizing the body. The
removing of obstructions (e.g., acids, mucus, parasites, chemicals, minerals,
metals, thoughts and emotions) that block energy and the proper function of
cells and the individual. A necessary requirement in returning to vibrant

Detoxify 1. to remove the toxic quality of a substance; 2. treatment of a toxic
overdose of any medicine but especially of the toxic state produced by drugs
of abuse or acute alcoholism.

Diaphoretic causes perspiration and increases elimination through the skin
(Centaury, Coltsfoot, Sassafras).

Diastolic the second (or bottom) number in a blood pressure reading. It is the
blood pressure in the heart and arteries when the heart relaxes between
contractions. It is the pressure in your “pipes” (vascular system).

Digestants contains substances (i.e., ferments, acids, enzymes and bitters)
which aid in digestion of food (Coriander, Sage, Cinnamon).

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