The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

Digestion the process by which food is broken down mechanically and
chemically in the gastrointestinal tract and converted into absorbable form, or
their simplest forms.

Diluents herbs that dilute secretions and excretions (Flax Seed).

Discutients herbs that dispel or resolve (dissolve) tumors and abnormal
growths (Bayberry, Chickweed, Coltsfoot, Burdock Root).

Disinfectants herbs that eliminate or destroy the noxious properties of
decaying organic matter and thereby prevent the spreading or transfer of
toxic matter or infection (Black Walnut Hulls/ Leaves, Cajuput, Myrrh, Rue,
Uva Ursi).

Diuretics promote activity of the kidney and bladder, and increase urination
through the excretion of water. (Tansy, Uva Ursi, Stone Root, Dandelion).

Diverticuli pathological sac-like out-pouchings of the wall of the colon
caused by impactions and weaknesses of the intestinal wall.

Doctrine of Signatures theory that the appearance of a plant indicates its
inherent properties.

Dopamine A neurotransmitter produced in the medulla portion of the adrenal
glands. Used to treat hypotension and Parkinson’s disease.

Drastics herbs that are hyperactive cathartics producing violent peristalsis,
watery stools and much griping pain (Castor Oil, Hedge Hyssop, Red and
White Bryony).

Dropsy generalized edema in cellular tissue or in a body cavity.

Dyskinesia defect in voluntary movement.

Dysmenorrhea painful or difficult menstruation (False Unicorn, Cramp
Bark, Wild Yam Root, Red Raspberry).

Dyspepsia imperfect or painful indigestion; not a disease in itself but
symptomatic of other diseases or disorders.

Dyspnea sense of difficulty in breathing, often associated with lung or heart
disease. Also a sign of congestion and acidosis.

Edema retention of fluid in tissues (swelling). A result of acidosis. The
body’s effort to alkalize.

Electrolytes Soluble salts dissolved in the body’s fluids. Electrolytes are the
form in which most minerals circulate in the body. They are capable of
conducting electrical impulses (includes salts of sodium and potassium).

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