The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

Evacuants remedies which evacuate; mostly applies to purgatives.

Evening Primrose Oil the seed oil of Evening Primrose, rich in gamma
linolenic acid.

Excito-Motors herbs that increase motor reflex and spinal activity.

Exocrine a term applied to glands whose secretion reaches an epithelial
surface, either directly or through a duct. Opposite of endocrine.

Exophthalmic protrusion of the eyeball. Expectorant promotes discharge of
phlegm and mucus from lungs and throat (Mullein, Red Root, Lungwort).

Extract a preparation in which the properties of an herb are drawn out by
solvents, heat, or other processes.

Fats 1. Adipose tissue of the body, which serves as an energy reserve. 2.
Grease, oil. 3. In chemistry, triglyceride ester of fatty acids; one of a group of
organic compounds closely associated in nature with the phosphatides,
cerebrosides, and sterols. The term lipid is applied in general to a fat or fat-
like substance. Fats are insoluble in water but soluble in either chloroform,
benzene, or other fat solvents. Fats are hydrolyzed by the action of acids,
alkalies, lipases (fat-splitting enzymes) and superheated steam.

Fat-soluble capable of dissolving in the same organic solvents as fats and
oils. Not soluble in water.

Fatty Acids any one of many organic acids from which fats and oils are

Febrifuge reduces fever (Fringe Tree, Feverfew, Tansy).

Fermentation the oxidative decomposition of complex substances through
the action of enzymes or ferments, produced by microorganisms; bacteria,
molds, and yeasts are the principal groups of organisms involved in

Fiber the indigestible portion of plant matter. Fiber is an important
component of a healthy diet because it is capable of binding to toxins and
carrying them out of the body. Acts as an electrical intestinal broom.

Fistula abnormal (tube-like) passage between two internal organs, or from an
organ to the surface of the body.

Flavin one of a group of natural water-soluble pigments occurring in milk,
yeasts, bacteria, and some plants.

Flavonoidial and Flavone Glycosides Glycosides have a broad range effect

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