The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

on the body. Each glycoside has its own individual effect as well. Some are
antispasmodic, diuretic, increase circulation, and act upon cardiac tissue.
Flavonoid complexes known as bioflavonoids are essential to vitamin C
absorption and calcium absorption (all occur in nature together). Some
flavonoid glycosides (bioflavonoids) include hesperidin, rutin, and vitamin P.

Free Radicals a group of atoms that are highly chemically reactive because
they have at least one unpaired electron. Because they join so readily with
other compounds, free radicals can attack cells and cause a lot of damage in
the body. They form in heated fats and oils, and as a result of exposure to
atmospheric radiation and environmental pollutants, among other things. (A
human ingests over 125 lbs. of chemicals per year. Talk about free radicals!)

Fungus one of a class of organisms that include yeasts, mold, and
mushrooms. A number of fungal species, such as Candida albicans, are
capable of causing severe disease in immuno-compromised hosts.

Galactagogue promotes secretion of milk (Anise Seed, Fennel, Vervain).

Galactophyga herbs that diminish or arrest the secretion of milk (Bilberry,
Cassia Bark, Cranes-bill).

Gastralgia pain in the stomach.

Gastritis inflammation of the stomach lining.

Gastroenteritis inflammation of the mucous lining of the stomach and
intestinal tract.

Gland an organ or tissue that secretes a substance for use elsewhere in the
body rather than for its own functioning.

Giardia a genus of flagellate protozoa some of which are parasitic, found in
the intestinal tract of humans and domestic animals; transmitted by ingestion
of cysts in fecally-contaminated water and food; interferes with the
absorption of fats; boiling water inactivates them.

Gleet the mucous discharge in the urine from urethra, in cases of chronic

Glucose a simple sugar that is the principal source of energy for the body’s

Gluten vegetable albumin, a protein that can be prepared from wheat, rye,
barley, and oats.

Glycogen a polysaccharide (complex carbohydrate) that is the main form in

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