The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

which glucose is stored in the body, mostly in the liver and muscles. It is
converted back into glucose as needed to supply the body with energy.

Gout inflammation of the joints. Joints affected may be at any location, but
gout usually begins in the knee or foot.

Hair Analysis a method of determining the levels of minerals, including both
toxic metals and essential minerals, in the body by measuring the
concentrations of those minerals in the hair. Unlike mineral levels in the
blood, those in the hair reflect the person’s status over several preceding
months and their utilization at the cellular level.

Heavy Metals metallic elements whose specific gravity (a measurement of
mass as compared with the mass of water or hydrogen) is greater than 5.0.
Some heavy metals, such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury, are
extremely toxic.

Hemetics herbs rich in iron and manganese and which augment and enrich
the red corpuscles of the blood (blood-builders) (Agrimony, Quassia, Yellow
Dock, Dandelion).

Hemiplegia paralysis of one half of the body.

Hemoglobin the red (iron-containing) pigment in blood that carries oxygen
from the lungs to the tissues of the body. Hemoglobin is a conjugated protein
consisting of heme (which is an iron carrier) and globin (which is a simple
protein carrier).

Hemolytic 1. a substance which destroys red blood cells; 2. related to the
destruction of red blood cells.

Hemostatic stops the flow of blood; type of astringent that stops internal
bleeding or hemorrhaging.

Hepatics herbs used to strengthen, tone and stimulate the secretive functions
of the liver, causing an increased flow of bile (Goldenseal, Dandelion, Milk
Thistle, Oregon Grape).

Herbal Therapies the use of herbal combinations for healing or cleansing
purposes. Herbs can be used in tinctures, tablets, capsules or extract form, as
well as in baths, poultices, teas, etc.

Herpatics herbs that are healing to skin eruptions and scaling diseases such
as ringworm. (Buckthorn Bark, Chickweed, Cleavers, Comfrey).

Histamine a chemical released by the immune system that acts on various
body tissues. It has the effect of constricting the smooth bronchial tube

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