The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

muscles, dilating small blood vessels, thus allowing fluid to leak from various
tissues, and increasing the secretion of stomach acid.

Holistic Medicine a form of therapy aimed at treating the whole person
(mind, body and spirit), not just the part or parts in which symptoms occur.

Homeostasis equilibrium of internal environment.

Hormone chemical messengers released by the glands of the endocrine
system. They are released directly into the bloodstream and carried to the
tissues they affect. Hormones fall into two categories: proteins and steroids.
All hormones are extremely potent. They are effective in very small amounts.

Hormonal Agents herbs that contain phytosterols, or hormones used by the
plant for its own growth, are compatible with female hormones and appear to
work as building blocks to provide ready-made material for hormonal
production. Some herbs, like Chaste Tree Berry, are thought to work on the
level of the pituitary gland (the “mother of the female hormones”), and can
produce either an oestrogenic or progestogenic effect, as the body turns it to
its own use. Those known as oestrogenic are used to treat estrogen deficiency
problems and are certainly effective (False Unicorn Root). Wild Yam
provides the only known natural plant source of progesterone.

Hormonal System consists of a series of tissues, glands, and cells. The
glands produce chemicals (hormones) that are secreted into the bloodstream.
These chemicals are either directly released into the bloodstream (through
endocrine glands) or released through tubes called ducts (exocrine glands).
The hormones stimulate other cells or organs. They regulate many of the
body’s activities, including growth, development, and homeostasis. There
may be as many as 100 hormones in the human body, but not all have been
determined. The major exocrine glands are all associated with the digestive
system. The major hormone-secreting endocrine glands in the body are the
thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, pineal, parathyroid, and pancreas (pancreas is both
exocrine and endocrine). There are two gender-specific endocrine glands—
the ovaries in females, and the testes in males.

Hydragogue promotes watery evacuation of bowels.

Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) a normal constituent of gastric juice. The amount
of HCL concentration in the stomach varies, depending on several factors,
including rate of secretion of gastric juice and the type of food eaten. It
converts pepsinogen into pepsin and produces an acid medium favorable for
the activity of pepsin; dissolves and disintegrates nucleoproteins and collagen;
hydrolyzes sucrose; precipitates caseinogen; inhibits multiplication of

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