The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

bacteria, especially putrefactive organisms that ferment lactic acid and certain
pathogenic forms; stimulates secretion by the duodenum; inhibits the action
of ptyalin and thus stops salivary digestion in the stomach.

Hyperchlorhydria excess of hydrochloric acid in gastric secretion
(insufficient gastric acid output).

Hyperglycemia an abnormal concentration of sugar in the blood.

Hypertension chronic high blood pressure often caused by stress.

Hypertensive used to increase blood pressure.

Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) a condition caused by excessive
secretion of the thyroid glands, which increases the basal metabolic rate,
causing an increased demand for food to support this metabolic activity.
Signs and symptoms—goiter, fine tremor of the extended fingers and tongue,
increased nervousness, weight loss, altered bowel activity, heat intolerance,
excessive sweating, increased heart rate. Inorganic iodine deposits, drugs,
chemicals and congestion create acidosis and stimulation of this gland.
Hyperthyroidism always leads to hypothyroidism or the weakening of the
thyroid gland.

Hypnotics powerful nervine relaxants and sedatives that induce sleep (Wild
Lettuce, Passion Flower, Valerian).

Hypoactive 1. “Hypo” is Greek for below, beneath or under. 2. underactive
gland or organ. Hypoglycemia abnormally low level of glucose in the blood;
“low blood sugar.”

Hypothalamus the area of the brain that contains neurosecretions that are of
importance in the control of certain metabolic activities, such as maintenance
of water balance, sugar and fat metabolism, regulation of body temperature,
secretion of releasing and inhibiting hormones, and the hunger response. It
houses the pituitary gland and is considered the “master switch board.”

Hypothyroidism a condition due to deficiency of the thyroid secretion,
resulting in a lowered basal metabolism. Symptoms may include obesity or
difficulty losing weight, dry skin and hair, low blood pressure, slow pulse,
sluggishness of all functions, depressed muscular activity, and depression.

Hypertension high blood pressure. Usually defined as a regular resting
pressure of 140/90.

Hypotensives used to reduce blood pressure.

Iatrogenic literally, “physician induced.” This term can be applied to any

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