The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

Insecticides herbs that are used to destroy or repel insects (Black Walnut
Hulls/Leaves, Black Cohosh, Rue, Quassia).

Intercostal between the ribs.

Interstitial placed or lying between (spaces within an organ or tissue);
around the outside of cells.

Interleukin a type of cytokine that enables communication among leukocytes
and other cells active in inflammation or the cell-mediated immune response.
The result is a maximized response to a microorganism or other foreign

Intracellular within cells.

Irritants herbs that produce a greater or lesser degree of vascular excitement
when applied to the epidermis or skin surface (Cascara Sagrada, Kava Kava
resin, Stinging Nettle, Stone Root).

Jaundice a condition caused by elevation of bilirubin in the body and
characterized by a yellowing of the skin.

Jejunum the second portion of the small intestines (from duodenum to the
ileum). It’s about eight feet long and comprises two-fifths of the small

Laxatives mild purgatives. Promote bowel movements.

Lesions a circumscribed area of pathologically altered tissue; an injury or
wound; a single infected patch in a skin disease.

Lipid any one of a group of fats or fat-like substances characterized by their
insolubility in water and sollubility in fat solvents such as alcohol, ether, and
chloroform. The term is descriptive rather than a chemical name such as
protein or carbohydrate. Includes true fats (esters of fatty acids and glycerol);
lipoids (phospholipids, cere-brosides, waxes); and sterols (cholesterol,

Lipotropic promoting the flow of lipids to and from the liver.

Lithotriptics dissolves or discharges urinary and biliary concretion (like
kidney stones). Helps dissolve calculi within the body. (Bitter Root, Butcher’s
Broom, Cleavers).

Local Anesthetics herbs that produce loss of sensation (anesthesia) when
applied locally to a surface (Caraway Oil, Coca, Kava Kava).

Lymph fluid contained in lymphatic vessels, that flows through the lymphatic

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