The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

debris as well as pathogenic organisms. 3. They also serve a vital role by
processing antigens and presenting them to T cells, activating the specific
immune response. They also release many chemical mediators that are
involved in the body’s defenses, including interleukin-1 and complement.

Malabsorption nutritionally, an inability to absorb nutrients from the
intestinal tract into the bloodstream. Primarily due to impactions,
inflammation and poor pancreatic digestion.

Maturating herbs that promote the maturation or ripening (bringing to a
head) of tumors, boils, ulcers, carbuncles, etc. (Bayberry Bark, Burdock
Root, Plantain, Yellow Dock).

Menorrhagia excessive bleeding during menstruation.

Meridians in Chinese medicine, the specific pathways of energy flow in the
body. The fourteen channels in the body through which qi (universal energy
or God force) runs.

Metabolism the physical and chemical processes necessary to sustain life,
including the production of cellular energy, the synthesis of important
biological substances, and degradation of various compounds.

Minerals 1. an inorganic element or compound (especially one that is solid)
occurring in nature. (Inorganic, not of animal or plant origin.); 2. an
inorganic substance required by the body in small quantities.

Molecule 1. the smallest quantity into which a substance may be divided
without loss of its characteristics; 2. a chemical combination of two or more
atoms that form a specific chemical compound.

Monocytes white blood cells that are one of the first lines of defense in the
inflammatory process.

Monoplegia paralysis of a single limb.

Montmorillonite lake clays used in nutrition as a source of trace minerals.

Mucus a viscid fluid secreted by mucous membranes and glands, consisting
of mucin, leukocytes, inorganic salts, water, and epithelial cells. This mucus
acts as a protectant and detoxificant.

Mucilages herbs having mucilaginous (soothing) properties on inflamed
mucous membranes and tissues (Bladderwrack, Comfrey, Evening Primrose,

Mydriatic dilates (enlarges) the pupil (Belladonna, Coca, Scopola).

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