The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1


Parathyroid gland located on the back side of the thyroid gland, it secretes a
hormone, parathormone, that regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism.
Indirectly affects muscular irritability. Weaknesses include
hypoparathyroidism or hyperparathyroidism.

Pathogen a microorganism or substance (foreign protein) capable of
producing an immune response; creating pathological changes.

Paturient stimulates uterine contractions that induce and assist labor
(Birthwort, Black and Blue Cohosh, Rue).

Pectoral healing to problems in the bronchopulmonary area.

Pepsin the chief enzyme of gastric (stomach) juice, which converts proteins
into proteoses and peptones. It is formed by the cells of gastric glands and
produces its maximum activity at a pH of 1.25 to 2.25.

Peristalsis a progressive wavelike contraction of the smooth muscles of the
digestive tract or the colon muscles that move food byproducts along and
expel waste matter.

Peristaltics herbs that stimulate and increase peristalsis, or muscular
contractions (as in the bowels) (Aloe, Cascara Sagrada, olive oil, Turkey
Rhubarb powder).

Petechiae bruising.

pH (potential of hydrogen) a scale used to measure the relative acidity or
alkalinity of substances. The scale goes from 0 to 14, with 7 being considered
neutral. Below 7 indicates more acidic, above 7 indicates more alkaline.

Phagocytosis the destruction of bacteria (microorganisms) and/or particles
through ingestion and digestion by a phagocyte (an immune cell).

Phenolic Compounds phenol or phenolic compounds make up many
important constituents of botanicals. These phenolic compounds are
antiseptic, anti-inflammatory anti-spasmodic, and pain-killing in their actions.
Phenolic compounds combined with a sugar can form glycosides.

Phytochemical any one of many substances present in fruits and vegetables
that have various health-promoting properties. Phytochemicals appear to
protect against certain types of cancer. Most plant constituents could be called

Pineal Gland an endocrine gland in the brain, shaped like a pinecone. The

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