The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

injured parts when applied locally to a surface (Acadia, Castor Oil, Flaxseed,

Proteins complex nitrogen-based organic compounds made up of different
combinations of amino acids. Proteins are basic elements of all animal and
vegetable tissues. Biological substances such as hormones and enzymes are
also composed of protein. The body makes the specific proteins it needs for
growth, repair, and other functions from amino acids that are either extracted
from dietary protein or manufactured from other amino acids. Proteins also
serve as carriers (e.g., hemoglobin, insulin, etc.).

Pruritis severe itching.

Pungents herbs that cause a sharply pricking, acrid and penetrating sensation
to the sensory organs (Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cayenne, Mustard).

Purgative a substance that promotes the vigorous evacuation of the bowels;
usually used to relieve severe constipation.

Putrefaction 1. decay and rot; 2. decomposition of animal matter, especially
protein associated with malodorous and poisonous products such as the
ptomaines, mercaptans, and hydrogen sulfide, caused by certain kinds of
bacteria and fungi; also, the process of breaking down protein compounds by

Pyelitis inflammation of the pelvis, of the kidney and its calices.

Qi or ch’i in Chinese, the concept of life force; vital energy.

Red Blood Cells blood cells that contain the red pigment hemoglobin and
transport oxygen and carbon dioxide in the bloodstream.

Regeneration rebuilding and strengthening the body. Requires an alkaline
medium with electrically “alive” nutrients.

Refrigerant reduces body temperature and relieves thirst (Barberry, Borage,
Couch Grass, Chickweed).

Relaxant tends to relax and relieve tension, especially muscular tension.

Resolvents help promote resolution, or dissipation, of pathological growths
(Chickweed, Elder, Milk Thistle, St. John’s Wort).

Restorative an agent that is effective in the regaining of health and strength;
restores normal physiological activity (Astragalus Root, all Ginsengs, and

Rhinitis inflammation of nasal mucosa.

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