The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

supplied by the blood system to a cell. The lymph fluid is the medium or
“plasma” that carries a host of substances that need to be removed from cells,
as well as substances that are used to protect the cell. These include:

Excessive unused proteins (including albumin and globulin, etc.)
Salts and ions
Gases and toxic, metabolic wastes
Fats (possible anti-inflammatory compounds)
Hormones, steroids and enzymes
Unused nutrients, especially artificial vitamins
Parasites (bacteria, etc.)
Chemical toxins, sulfa drugs, chemical medications, etc.
Minerals (unusable by cells)
Immune cells, especially lymphocytes (T- and especially B-cells),
macrophages (monocytes), etc.
Dying body cells (due to atrophy or acidosis)
Fats from the small intestinal tract and liver, which are absorbed through
small lymph vessels called lacteals.

There is not a “heart” to pump and pressurize your lymph system, so
your lymph fluids move by means of the following methods:

Pressure changes that are reflected through the blood vascular system.
Contraction of your skeletal muscles, which are activated through
movement and exercise.
Contraction of smooth muscle stimulation.

Low blood pressure (adrenal glands), lack of exercise or inactive
lifestyle, impacted bowels, and congested kidneys and skin will all cause your
lymph system to back up.

Over-consumption of proteins (many of which are abrasive [foreign] to
the body), acids, and mucus-forming substances (milk, complex sugars, etc.)
will also burden your lymph system, causing it to become congested and
stagnant. All of this together creates a heavy immune burden and response,
and cellular autointoxication leading to cellular hypoactivity and death. In my
opinion, this is where cancer originates.

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