The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

substance dissolved, the solute.

Somatic related to non-reproductive cells or tissues.

Somnifacient soporifics.

Soporifics herbs that induce a relaxing sleep (Catnip, Hops, Passion Flower,

Sorbefacients cause absorption.

Spasmolytic tending to check spasms. (See: Antispasmodic.)

Specifics herbs which have a direct curative influence upon certain individual
tissue weaknesses.

Spermatorrhea abnormally frequent involuntary loss of semen without

Spondylosis abnormal immobility and fixation of vertebral joints.

Squamous Cells a flat, scaly, epithelial cell.

Steroids hormones derived from lipids and produced by the adrenal cortex
and the sex glands. They have a wide range of effects. Steroids can act as
anti-inflammatories, and affect metabolism, and reproduction, as well as
systemic anabolism and catabolism. Systemic steroids are produced in the
adrenal glands. Reproductive steroids are produced in the gonads.

Sternutatories herbs that are irritating to the mucous membranes in nasal
passages, which cause sneezing (Wood Betony, Bayberry, Cayenne,

Stimulants herbs that increase functional activity and energy in the body
(strengthens metabolism and circulation) (Boneset, Brigham Tea [Ephedra],
Feverfew, Ginseng, Prickly Ash, Red Clover, Rosemary, Wormwood,

Stimulation irritating action on muscles, nerves, or sensory end organs by
which activity in a part is evoked.

Stomachics help strengthen the functions of the stomach. Help promote
digestion, appetite, and relieve indigestion.

Styptics help arrest bleeding through a strongly astringent action. Also
contracts blood vessels (Black Walnut, Comfrey, Plantain, Stinging Nettle).

Subcostal beneath the ribs.

Substitute a plant that is an acceptable replacement for another herb (See:

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